Our Commitment Is To Keep Your Child Safe
Thorough Cleaning And Sanitization Precautions That Safeguard Health
Our Commitment Is To Keep Your Child Safe
Thorough Cleaning And Sanitization
Precautions That Safeguard Health
Christian Preschool Serving Towson, MD
Daily Sanitizing Keeps Germs Away
Daily sanitizing keeps your child’s classes and bathrooms germ-free, and giving close attention to high-traffic spots like doorknobs and light switches assures a deep clean that keeps your child healthy.
Our Health and Safety Plan Has Been Guided By:
- The Maryland State Department’s Office of Child Care (MSDE)
- National Association of Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
- CDC & American Academy of Pediatrics
- Central Presbyterian Church COVID-19 Response Team
Increased Hand-Washing Puts A Stop To Germs
After drop off, your child washes their hands first thing before entering any class, doing the same throughout the day and before you pick them up to nix germs and the possibility of contagion.
Sick Children Are Asked To Stay Home
Parents should keep sick children home, prevent the spread of germs to others, and make sure their health needs receive attention. This precaution prevents the possibility of spreading the virus and also goes for the adults.
An Adequate Ratio Of Attendance Ensures Safety
Planning makes sure that substitute teachers are readily available to fill in if other teachers are sick, ensuring your child continues to receive the care you expect even if the staff is affected.
Safe Parent Drop Off And Pick Up Options
Measures like hygiene stations before your child enters, a greeter in place to receive your child, and a designated, trusted person for pick up and drop off help reduce everyone’s exposure to the virus.
Optional Mask Wearing Reduces Exposure To Germs & Viruses
Staff and children aged 2 years and older have the option to wear masks to help keep everyone safe. Masks reduce the spread of the virus and help hold everyone accountable for doing their part.
Fresh Air In Classrooms Protects Immune Systems
Clean, fresh oxygen is pumped into every classroom to ensure your child is breathing the highest quality air. Fresh air means less exposure to germs, bacteria, and viruses.
Separate Entrance And Exit To Classrooms For Extra Measure
Classrooms have separate entrances and exits for classrooms to ensure safety and social distancing. Keeping students in their hubs provides an extra measure of protection during this time.